George Steinmetz Photography

Voici le travail photographique de la personne chez qui je vis aux Etats-Unis. Des paysages du Soudan, Algérie, Libye, Brésil, Mer Morte, Chine... souvent des vues aériennes splendides. George Steinmetz travaille pour National Geographics, Time Magazine entre autres. Ses oeuvres prouvent un très grand talent et une ouverture particulière sur le monde, montrant sa beauté tout comme sa laideur.


Here is the photographic work of the person with whom I live in the United States. Landscapes of Sudan, Algeria, Libya, Brazil, Dead Sea, China ... often stunning aerial views. George Steinmetz works for National Geographic, Time Magazine and others. His works show a great and deep talent and a special openness to the world, showing its beauty as its ugliness.

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